The Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States: Music from SEAMUS, vol. 4


Music from SEAMUS, vol. 4 continues the organization's series of recordings chronicling the work of its member composers. Featuring music from this 1994 edition by Jon Christopher Nelson, Mark Edward Gibbons, Eric David Chasalow, Judy Klein, Tom Flaherty, Howard Jonathan Frederics, and Daniel Weymouth, this recording affords listeners of the SEAMUS series an opportunity to hear how this dynamic sub-genre in our field has developed and what parameters have remained consistent over the last few decades.


Jon Christopher Nelson’s Six études brèves (1990) explores individual instrumental and electronics techniques and how they shape a dynamic relationship between the two. The first etude, “Rafale,” is based on a jittery, stuttering motive that provides the framework for sinewy, connecting sustained tones. “Comédie” lives up to its name with the cello scrambling to respond to quirky, off-kilter spacialized sounds in the tape. “Contrefaçon” and “Réverie” provide the most inward music of the set, and the atmospheric harmonies in the tape part occasionally become animated and assume a life of their own. In the short “Juxtaposition,” anxious pizzicati, Bartok pizzicati, jeté effects in the cello make their way into the electronic accompaniment before a poignant melody soars over the top. “Fantasie” closes the set with vigor and virtuosity, as propulsive figures in the cello are imitated and sparred with in the tape part.

Mark Edward Gibbons’ scrub-reverse (1992) for amplified violin, interactive electronics, and tape manipulates sampled material with progressive time expansion and DSP routines. The violin part is subsequently altered with MIDI foot pedals and Lexicon effects. It begins with an unsettling, ambient halo, with short fragments of quixotic text and restless violin figurations. Midway through the piece, the atmosphere is briefly interrupted with a torrent of dry, staccato sounds before it recedes back to the sonic bog of the opening.

Eric Chasalow’s Over the Edge (1986) for flute and electronics uses the tape part to expand the acoustic properties of the instrument. Written in a fast-slow-fast form, Chasalow’s flute writing in the outer sections is angular and syncopated, a fleet vocabulary that references bebop and bluegrass. The contrasting middle section features long limbed lines over a broken chorale of bell sounds in the tape. The return of the lively music at the end features more developed and intertwined dialogue between instrument and tape, culminating in a brief recollection of the tintinnabulation of the slower section before sly syncopated material closes the piece.

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