Expansive microtonal chamber-jazz recorded in a large resonant chapel in New England. The music is inspired by La Monte Young’s epic composition “The Well Tuned Piano,” as well as by modernist works by painter Joan Mitchell and poet Wallace Stevens.
# | Audio | Title/Composer(s) | Time |
Total Time | 42:50 | ||
01 | Hemlocks | Hemlocks | 7:02 |
02 | The Fallen Leaves, Repeating Themselves | The Fallen Leaves, Repeating Themselves | 8:19 |
03 | Twilight | Twilight | 6:03 |
04 | Turned in the Fire | Turned in the Fire | 5:32 |
05 | Hymn | Hymn | 4:49 |
06 | Planets | Planets | 5:00 |
07 | Peacocks | Peacocks | 6:05 |
Hemlocks, Peacocks is a multi-movement composition by Will Mason, for a quartet of alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, retuned keyboards, and drums.
Mason’s music has always been characterized by the free intermingling of genres, and by an interest in microtonal pitch resources. His releases for his two-guitar, two-soprano, two-drum set rock band Happy Place made regular use of quarter-tone tunings, split across the two guitarists. But microtonal tunings pose special challenges for keyboard instruments: a 24-tone scale mapped onto the keyboard would mean that a pianist would have to reach the uncomfortable span of a minor 9th just to produce something that sounds like a perfect fifth. “I wanted to write music where all the instruments could feel fully at ease exploring these just intonation harmonies,” said Mason. “For the saxophones that might be a matter of learning some novel fingerings and embouchure changes, but for the keyboard it requires making some choices and trade-offs that really impact the kinds of composing and improvising available.
Mason’s exploration of La Monte Young’s tuning system from his epic 1974 work The Well-Tuned Piano began because of Young’s elegant solution to mapping just intonation onto the piano. Young’s 12-note scale omits the fifth harmonic, resulting in an absence of justly-tuned major (5:4) and minor (6:5) thirds. One way of approaching the resulting scale is as a pentatonic scale with several shadings available of each pitch; another would be to construct a scale out of the septimal major (9:7, 35 cents wider than an equal-tempered major third) and minor (7:6, 33 cents narrower than an equal-tempered minor third) thirds. Young’s keyboard layout makes both approaches fairly intuitive; some familiar hand shapes, like the perfect fifth or octave, typically sound like a perfect fifth or octave. By contrast, a span of a minor 9th might sound beautifully consonant, and a major second might produce shrill beating.
Read MoreThere are some oblique quotations of Young’s composition in Mason’s piece, but it’s the fluidity and improvisational spirit of The Well-Tuned Piano that first endeared Mason to the work. More than anything else, this high degree of pre-compositional care toward performance is the thread that unites Mason’s composition with Young’s. In Hemlocks, Peacocks the just intonation tuning system of Young’s The Well Tuned Piano is set at two pitch levels on two separate keyboards, one rooted on C and the other on 436Hz (a slightly flat A). This allows for the use of the 5/4 just major third, which Young’s tuning system deliberately omitted. But it also allows for an array of clusters and shadings of pitches. Especially in the improvisational context of much of this music, this lends the keyboard a flexibility and expressivity that is not normally available to performers.
Hemlocks, Peacocks was written specifically for the group of performers assembled here: Anna Webber, Daniel Fisher-Lochhead, and deVon Russell Gray. Webber’s compositional work has encompassed just intonation tuning systems, as in her band “Shimmer Wince.” Fisher-Lochhead is a longtime collaborator with Mason, having played on his 2015 album “Beams of the Huge Night.” Gray is a polyglot musician, who works as a free jazz pianist, composer of contemporary music, and performs with the hip hop group Heiruspecs. In other words, everyone in the band is a composer-performer with omnivorous musical tastes. The album not only showcases the skills of its seasoned musicians, but also the acoustics of the cavernous chapel in Norton, Massachusetts where the album was recorded. The keyboards are modeled on the sound of the Fender Rhodes—an instrument that might cheekily be called microtonal no matter what its tuning system. The characteristic bark and bright beating of overtones that define that instrument are amplified and mutated by the reflections and reverberations of the chapel, all painstakingly captured by engineer Joseph Branciforte.
Hemlocks, Peacocks draws programmatic inspiration from the Joan Mitchell painting “Hemlock,” (1956) and from the Wallace Stevens poem “Domination of Black,” (1916) which inspired Mitchell. The Stevens poem obsessively traces and retraces a series of images, many of them evocative of death: poison hemlock, darkness, celestial bodies, all punctuated by the cries of peacocks, traditionally symbols of divinity and immortality. Mitchell’s painting is a flurry of bold emerald-green and black brush strokes against a faded background. Each stroke bends downward, as though freighted by snow. Flashes of azure and red punctuate the painting, evocative of Stevens’ peacocks.
Mason’s composition obliquely traces themes common to all three of the works which inspired it: an oscillation between repetition and perseveration on the one hand, expansive stillness on the other. Opening track “Hemlocks” is entirely through-composed, built around shadings and transpositions of a trilled 63:64 septimal comma (the interval between a justly-intoned natural seventh and an equal-tempered minor 7th). “The Fallen Leaves, Repeating Themselves” opens with a shifting sax duet that transitions from equal temperament to just intonation, before a melancholy just intonation melody. After an alto saxophone solo from Fisher-Lochhead, a strong and declamatory climax gradually loses steam. “Twilight” is structured around dense clustered chords in the keyboard whose pitches die out in irregular and unexpected ways; shadings of the blues appear and vanish in the murk. “Turned in the Fire,” which begins with a solo from Webber, loops a small series of chord progressions inspired by material from Young’s original composition, but expands and contracts them across a shifting series of meters. “Hymn,” a duet between Gray and Mason, riffs on three just intonation harmonizations of a sacred harp melody. “Planets” begins with a noisy improvised trio between Webber, Fisher-Lochhead, and Mason, before Gray enters with a quasi-canon of perfect fifths juxtaposed across the C and A436Hz keyboards. The final movement, “Peacocks,” sets a gentle contrapuntal melody in the keyboard against an insistent repeating saxophone line, which spirals out into a cloud of just intonation harmonies, and then into noise, and then into the slow fade of the drums, marching steadfastly into silence.
– Will Mason
Anna Webber, tenor saxophone
Daniel Fisher-Lochhead, alto saxophone
deVon Russell Gray, keyboards
Will Mason, drums
All music composed by Will Mason
Recorded May 29 2024 in Cole Memorial Chapel, Norton, Massachusetts
Engineered and mixed by Joseph Branciforte, Greyfade Studios
Mastered by Carl Saff
Album art by Will Mason
Band photo by Colleen Morgan
Anna Webber is a flutist, saxophonist, and composer whose interests and work live in the aesthetic overlap between avant-garde jazz and new classical music. Her music has been called called "visionary and captivating" (Wall Street Journal), and her many accolades include a Guggenheim Fellowship and the Berlin Prize. Webber is co-chair of the jazz program at New England Conservatory.
Daniel Fisher-Lochhead is a saxophonist and composer from New York, NY who currently lives in Bar Harbor, ME. He has worked extensively as a bandleader and sideman, and his albums as a leader appear on Fishkill Records.
deVon Russell Gray, multi-instrumentalist, is best known as dVRG in the acclaimed live hip hop band Heiruspecs. Gray studied composition with Lee Hyla & Michael Gandolfi, and has held fellowships through McKnight Foundation, Jerome Foundation, and the Gabriela Lena Frank Creative Academy for Musicians.
Composer, drummer, and music technologist Will Mason’s music has been described as “experimental yet still catchy” (New York Times) and praised for combining “composition and improvisation, decorum and din” (Boston Globe). His music appears on New Amsterdam Records and Exit Stencil Recordings. He holds a PhD in music from Columbia University and is Associate Professor of Music at Wheaton College (MA).
Will Mason set his sights on microtonality in a jazz setting, and the ever-curious drummer, composer and bandleader comes away with another compelling treatise on an unorthodox musical idea.
Taking a cue from a LaMonte Young’s The Well Tuned Piano, a sprawling, five-hour opus exhaustively exploring pretty much every avenue of possibility afforded by a solo piano tuned with just intonation, Hemlocks, Peacocks (New Focus Recordings) likewise unlocks many doors using special keyboards that plays notes in smaller intervals than the common, wider 12 tone equal temperament. Only this time, within a small jazz ensemble.
In carrying out his latest set of concepts, Mason constructed a quartet comprising of himself on drums, deVon Russell Gray on keyboards and a tenor sax/alto sax horn section of Anna Webber and Daniel Fisher-Lochhead, respectively. Intended or not, doing without a bass further isolates the keyboards, deepening its idiosyncratic sonic impact.
Typical of Mason, he doesn’t absorb inspiration only to spit it back out again, he uses the innovations of others as building blocks for his own novel approach. As the keyboardist, Gray doesn’t actually use a “well-tuned piano,” he turned to micro-tuned electric pianos — two, actually — using two different pitches. Further, Mason has long employed notions of chamber music in his compositions while leaving space for the pure improvisation of jazz, and continues to do so here.
The micro tones coming from these keyboards takes a small adjustment period for Western-trained ears but are very germane to Mason’s melodies. By choosing a two-sax front line, Mason matched two instruments micro-toned by nature to one that normally isn’t, easing the transition to embracement of his ideas.
“Hemlocks” is arranged so that Webber and Fisher-Lochhead harmonize to Gray, making it the right track to start the album off with because the listener can begin to make a connection to this dissident sound. A similar approach is undertaken for “Twilight,” except that Gray goes down to almost the missing bass level of tones while the reeds slowly draw out contrasting, drone-like notes.
The interaction between Webber and Fisher-Lochhead frames “Peacocks,” first starting percussively and progressing to emotional expressions while Mason’s tumbling toms take over the rhythmic pulse.
Any jazz element of “Hymn” comes primarily from Mason himself, applying a carefully modulated flow of tom and brushstrokes to establish variation behind Gray’s alien but logical chord progressions. Mason puts a light swing underneath “The Fallen Leaves, Repeating Themselves,” perhaps the jazziest tune in this set, and Fisher-Lochhead solos along the micro-toned scale with the command of Rudresh Mahanthappa.
Webber gets the limelight for “Turned in the Fire,” kicking off the tune interacting Mason “Countdown” style, and as Gray enters the room, she applies ample chops to the elusive melody he’s playing. Both of the saxes go off the hook during “Planets,” a freedom fest with Mason that slows down to the hanging resonance of Gray’s offbeat chords.
Microtonal jazz has been explored for a while, but Will Mason finds innovative ways to scale its limitless potential. Hemlocks, Peacocks is now available and you can get it from Bandcamp.
— S. Victor Aaron, 1.11.2025
It is easy to view Hemlocks, Peacocks as a meeting of the minds between two singular talents – drummer / composer Will Mason and saxophonist / composer Anna Webber. Both have a penchant for delving into the unconventional sounds of microtonalism and non-standard tunings. But the album is firmly rooted in Mason’s compositional vision, with Webber as a willing (and presumptively eager) collaborator on tenor. Joining them are Daniel Fisher-Lochhead on alto sax and deVon Russell Gray on keyboards.
The quartet draws from an odd sound palette to be sure. At first blush, their efforts seem somewhat sparse and oddly phrased. Gray’s tones gives the album a retro feel along with the shimmering introduced by the group’s selection of “pitches between the notes.” Indeed the contrapuntal lines from Webber and Fisher-Lochhead feel both disorienting and alien.
While it might be fitting to refer these works as chamber jazz, the album is more than that. For instance, Twilight is a slow-moving piece that focuses on droning structures and textures rather than melodic progression. In contrast, other tracks feature labyrinthine passages that are up-tempo and even hint at being upbeat. Case in point, Turned in the Fire employs a two-note vamp over which Webber solos. After that, she moves on to an interlocking sax duel that sets its tempo separately from that of the rhythm parts. And then there is the all-out discordant blowing on Planets that sounds as if Anthony Braxton is playing along with a warped version of himself from another dimension.
It takes a while for Hemlocks, Peacocks as get going and it also takes several listens to begin to appreciate the album’s depth. Mason is a thoughtful and deliberate composer and performer whose efforts serve to stake out new ground in the creative music continuum. The result is a rigorous intellectual and artistic statement.
— Mike, 1.11.2025
Will Mason loves implementing microtonal tunings in a variety of musical genres. An Associate Professor of Music and chair of the music department at Wheaton College, his six-piece rock sextet Happy Place (which includes two guitars, two soprano vocalists, and two guitars) used quarter-tone tunings across both guitarists. But these types of tunings are particularly challenging for keyboards. “A 24-tone scale mapped onto the keyboard would mean that a pianist would have to reach the uncomfortable span of a minor 9th just to produce something that sounds like a perfect fifth.”
That’s the introductory explanation on the Bandcamp page for Hemlocks, Peacocks, the multi-movement composition by Mason, for a quartet of alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, re-tuned keyboards, and drums. Implementing these tunings results in an unsettling and revelatory work, a sort of “alternate universe” chamber jazz album.
Hemlocks, Peacocks was recorded in a large resonant chapel in Norton, Massachusetts, last May and was inspired by La Monte Young’s epic composition “The Well-Tuned Piano”, as well as by modernist works by painter Joan Mitchell (particularly her 1956 painting “Hemlock”) and poet Wallace Stevens’ 1916 poem “Domination of Black”. With Will Mason on drums, he’s joined by Anna Webber on tenor saxophone, Daniel Fisher-Lochhead on alto saxophone, and deVon Russell Gray on keyboards. Young’s famous composition is an ongoing improvisatory solo piano work begun in 1964, which Young has never considered “finished”. It has been performed differently several times since its debut in 1974, requiring a piano tuned in just intonation.
This type of process-based composition and improvisation often makes the music seem, on paper, to be more complicated and perhaps off-putting than it really is. Music theory eggheads love to come out of the woodwork to pontificate on the granular details, which is entirely justified. However, those of us who simply enjoy hearing a group of talented, easily interconnected musicians play music that is a few steps outside the norm will be rewarded by what Mason and his ensemble have accomplished here. With the opening track, “Hemlocks”, the music and its players unfold gracefully, beginning with jittery, tense keyboards, followed by the percussion and saxophones.
“The Fallen Leaves, Repeating Themselves” features the saxophones of Webber and Fisher-Lochhead carefully playing off each other before the whole band joins in, highlighted by an alto saxophone solo and Gray’s shimmering Fender Rhodes. Gray also shines on “Twilight”, with his deep, dark chords giving the composition a sort of doom-laden backdrop.
Mason’s drumming on “Turned in the Fire” sees him confidently guiding the ensemble through unusual time signatures, drawing a great deal of inspiration from Young’s colossal composition. Meanwhile, the eloquent, sparse “Hymn” eschews the horns for a delightful, contemplative duet between Gray and Mason. But Webber and Fisher-Lochhead return with a vengeance on the noisy, atonal “Planets” and are also heavily featured on the (initially) gentler album closer, “Peacocks”, a masterpiece of dynamics – starting slowly and gradually building into joyous cacophony before concluding with a coda of rolling drum fills from Mason, reprising the percussion that introduced the piece.
Will Mason and his ensemble have undoubtedly consulted challenging works of all media for inspiration on Hemlocks, Peacocks. The results are often stunning, deeply satisfying, and worth revisiting over and over despite the somewhat complex source material.
— Chris Ingalls, 1.14.2025
Hemlocks, Peacocks the new album by the Will Mason Quartet is described as ‘microtonal chamber jazz’ recorded in a ‘large resonant chapel’ in New England, whose music is inspired by La Monte Young’s solo improvisatory epic The Well-Tuned Piano and modernist works by the painter Joan Mitchell and poet Wallace Stevens. A degree of intimacy with those sources might serve to dispel the notion, but as an introductory brief that could make Hemlocks, Peacocks sound rather academic.
Instead on the album opener ‘Hemlocks’ we are greeted with something slinkily and at times queasily seductive as Mason’s shakers and silt percussion becomes a riverbed, over which Anna Webber, Danny Fisher-Lochhead and deVon Russell Gray play a series of drones and short phrases from the grandfather clock melodies of Gray’s keys – with Hemlocks, Peacocks featuring two keyboards retuned to echo Young’s system of just intonation, while the instruments themselves are modelled to take after the distinctive sound of the Fender Rhodes – to winnowing reeds or held drones and overtones, which might stem from the keys or equally from Webber’s tenor and Fisher-Lochhead’s alto saxophones.
The details differ on ‘The Fallen Leaves, Repeating Themselves’ but the mood lingers and the sense of swing remains the same, as Mason’s smooth skittering drums underlie a series of repetitions and embellishments before ‘Twilight’ proves more ponderous, slowing everything down in keeping with the time of day. The shifting rhythms of ‘Turned in the Fire’ provide a showcase for Webber, with the saxophones steadily building off one another, while on ‘Hymn’ a duet between Mason and Gray and again on the more celestial ‘Planets’ those justly intoned keys, which have previously added a kind of offbeat rotundity to the compositions, now glimmer with a mottled and matte twinkle which is sometimes redolent of dinged gongs. Finally on ‘Peacocks’ the quartet evoke something of Albert Ayler or latter-day Pharoah Sanders as the rhythms become more martial and their jazz takes on more spiritual airs.
— Christopher Laws, 1.17.2025
The meticulousness of drummer Will Mason’s music is easier to grasp when you view the score follower video for “Hemlocks,” the first of seven pieces on this quartet opus with tenor saxophonist Anna Webber, alto saxophonist Danny Fisher-Lochhead and keyboardist deVon Russell Gray. The performance notes explain that these are microtonal works in just intonation, inspired by La Monte Young’s “The Well-Tuned Piano,” requiring accidentals in far finer distinctions than exist in equal temperament. Players must alter pitches by increments in septimal commas, syntonic commas and such, shown at left.
— David R. Adler, 1.22.2025
Here we have two fields in which I feel unqualified to offer much insight: jazz and just intonation. I’m not going to pretend to try to make sense of Mason’s extensive (and genuinely informative) liner notes here, in which he discusses the piece’s technical underpinnings—such as its links to the tuning system La Monte Young used in The Well-Tuned Piano. But even without properly understanding the piece, I’m drawn to this chamber-jazz suite for saxophone quartet, retuned keyboards, and drums. Ever since discovering ROVA in the mid ’90s, I’ve loved the sound of the saxophone quartet; it’s such a rich, bold, liquid sound, like a fountain of gold, and here, subtly reshaped according to microntonal contours, it opens up in new ways, vivid and unpredictable. The seven-movement composition is a captivating piece of work, by turns hypnotic, explosive, and pensively dirge-like. And as mellow as it may frequently be, the unsettling qualities of its unfamiliar harmonies make it something like the antithesis of “ambient jazz”—not mood music, but something pricklier and more restive, perfectly keyed to a moment where contemplation feels united with the need to gather strength for what’s coming.
— Philip Sherburne, 1.21.2025
Last September I devoted significant space and time to a growing phenomenon I’ve noticed in jazz and improvised music, where microtonality and different tuning systems have given the usual harmonic foundation of the music a wobbly kick in the ass, opening up blends that might initially sound off. For listeners who’ve only heard music in equal temperament this stuff can prove disorienting or sound wrong on first encounter, but once we adjust and treat the sound as it is, exciting possibilities open up, adding an almost psychedelic quality to the music, which becomes particularly exciting when it’s deployed in improvisation settings. Last month drummer, bandleader, and composer Will Mason dropped a new quartet album that’s been giving me repeated pleasure.
I suppose I’ve been aware of Mason about a decade ago, around the time he released Beams of the Huge Night for the New Amsterdam. At that point the label was a bit more closely aligned with a post-Bang on a Can contemporary classical vibe, albeit one that let in various indie pop threads into the discussion. But Mason’s album immediately hit like an outlier, closer to jazz-rock than contemporary music. I know that I tried to get into the music a couple of times, but my fusion allergies ultimately prevented me from giving it a fair shake back then. For the last decade Mason has balanced teaching, composing, and performing—a difficult task in modern America. At the same time, Mason is an academic, not just a musician who turned to education to make a living. His own interests veer toward microtonality and free jazz, and everything I’ve heard from has triangulated between those two pursuits and his double-billed cap as composer/drummer. But it wasn’t until I heard his fantastic new album Hemlocks, Peacocks (New Focus) that I was fully pulled in by his music. Suddenly, that earlier music makes greater sense, establishing a clear continuum that’s reached an apex on this new endeavor.
I knew some of the players on Beams of the Huge Night—notably guitarists Travis Reuter and Andrew Smiley—the latter was a founding member of Little Women, and has a knack for nailing complex lines and patterns—but the music landed pretty far from jazz orthodoxy. Going back to it now I've been pleasantly surprised by certain things, such as the cycling microtonal riffing on the opening track “Finn,” which seems to anticipate a particular thread subsequently embraced by Horse Lords. Check it out below. The intricate charts articulated by those three along with oboist Stuart Breczinski, alto saxophonist Danny Fisher-Lochhead, singer Nina Moffitt, and bassist Dan Stein, go through endless peaks and valleys and ever-shifting topographies that accelerate and decelerate, and compress and expand with the meticulous focus on a new music ensemble. Over the course of an entire album the relentless energy and density can get a bit exhausting, but recent listens have actually proven exhilarating more than anything. Despite a certain egghead vibe, the commitment to Mason’s ideas is impressively complete, and at its most jacked-up it summons the wall-to-wall ferocity of the Flying Luttenbachers with a much more diverse timbre, toggling between the prog-rock attack and kaleidoscopic swirls of microtonal psychedelia. Still, despite the intensity, there are elements that feel a bit overblown, such as the dichotomy between the guitar-drums-bass core of “Door 6” and the way Moffitt unspools florid, wordless flights—a juxtaposition that feels incongruous rather than bold. Still, nothing stays in the same place for very long, so even when something doesn’t work for me, it's usually over in a flash.
When I first heard Northfield the debut by his band Happy Place I must’ve filed it away as math rock and given it little further thought. Back then the project was a twin guitar-twin drums quartet that vaguely recalled Little Women, the band Smiley played in alongside reedists Darius Jones and Travis Laplante, and drummer Jason Nazary. Revisiting it more than eight years later I find it more engaging that I remembered, with a strong compositional undercurrent that goes far beyond tricky time signatures and virtuosic precision. In fact, while the music is undeniably complex and requires some serious rigor to pull off with such exactitude, more compelling are the larger compositional ideas at play. Until recently I had never heard that ensemble’s far more ambitious and interesting follow-up Tendrils. It’s a corker, somehow colliding the more elaborate timbre of the Will Mason Ensemble, the group behind the first album I discussed above, with the post-punk drive of the quartet. The line-up changed quite a bit, with Kate Gentile taking the second drum chair, Dan Lippel moving into the second guitar slot next to Smiley, with vocalists Charlotte Mundy and Elaine Lachica expanding the group into a sextet. Those two both enhanced the paired conception of the project, offering more counterpoint and interplay (as well as singing actual words and melodic turns) than Moffitt was able to bring to Mason’s first album—through no fault of her own—and the dual guitar action was more compelling, too. Mason got stronger and more assured as a composer, and the upgraded musicianship helped.
The quartet on Hemlocks, Peacocks brings back Danny Fisher-Lochhead, who are joined by keyboardist deVon Russell Gray and saxophonist Anna Webber, an authority on this sort of approach as made plain in her excellent quintet Shimmer Wince. Gray actually plays two electronic keyboards “set at two pitch levels on two separate keyboards, one rooted on C and the other on 436Hz (a slightly flat A),” a decision based loosely on the tuning La Monte Young deployed on his landmark The Well-Tuned Piano. It’s Gray’s playing that really gives the music its strange harmonic quality, and both reedists have the seasoned ears and harmonic expertise to make hay from that setting. As if to set the tone, the opening piece “Hemlocks” is through-composed, an exploration of a tiny interval in which a hovering semi-drone rippling with bracing collisions of the keyboards and fluttering, twinned saxophone lines unfold over a rather static rhythm staked out by the drummer. The energy and dynamism hits much harder on “The Fallen Leaves, Repeating Themselves,” which is built around a fantastic saxophone duet with harmonies that move between just intonation and equal temperament, where some of the tightly coiled sax phrasing reminds me of Roma music, as if Ferus Mustafov has hijacked the session.
I can’t get enough of the sound and the shifting interplay all across the album, and all four musicians are convincingly locked in and super sharp. In the end the main problem I have with the album is an issue that crops up fairly often with music written in Just Intonation; there’s so much energy and rigor poured into the harmony that other parts of a composition end up lacking. One of the reason’s Webber’s Shimmer Wince is incredible is that her tunes are catchy and rock-solid, borrowing from post-bop orthodoxy while tripping the articulation up with the tuning. I have truly enjoyed this new Mason album, but I’m rooting for some more indelible,lively themes next time, which would not only raise the stakes and sharpen the interest, but it could inject some much needed energy, as too much of Hemlocks, Peacocks plods along. I’m not saying it needs to swing, but it could really use some drive. But right now I’m fully on board.
— Peter Margasak, 2.10.2025
Spending time with an album inspired by other artistic references feels akin to watching the bonus features of a movie – new points of view avail themselves for consideration, and additional rabbit holes of exploration appear. Art is delightful in that way; any existing artwork can become a new entry point for another. On Hemlocks, Peacocks (Jan. 10, Panoramic Recordings), scholar, composer, and drummer Will Mason – joined by Anna Webber on tenor sax, Daniel Fisher-Lochhead on alto sax, and deVon Russell Gray on keyboards – underscores this recursive process with a multi-movement meditation on remarkable beginnings and ends.
The album draws upon the Wallace Stevens poem “Domination of Black” and painter Joan Mitchell’s “Hemlock.” Regarded by the poet to be his best work, “Domination of Black” opens like something out of a Poe narrative: an unsettled darkness returns, repeats, and builds as the speaker’s uncertainty mixes perception and memory:
“At night, by the fire,
The colors of the bushes
And of the fallen leaves,
Repeating themselves,
Turned in the room,
Like the leaves themselves
Turning in the wind.
Yes: but the color of the heavy hemlocks
Came striding.
And I remembered the cry of the peacocks.”
Mitchell’s lively painting, meanwhile, blends audacious deep green and blue streaks and cream with specks of red, as if she carved the hemlock from the canvas itself.
An entry in microtonal chamber-jazz, Hemlocks, Peacocks joins in the tradition of creative tuning systems (here inspired by La Monte Young’s The Well-Tuned Piano) and reaps similar benefits of fluidity and openness in its explorations. Though much of the harmonies and colors read as mellow and dark, the album feels wide awake throughout, and rewarding moments of accumulation await behind stretches of repeated figures and lines.
A theme of discernment runs through Mason’s intentional, intricate compositions; the task of close listening is foregrounded for the listener, who is directed toward the beating between saxophone microtones and wobbles of the keyboard. The opening track Hemlocks meets gentle trilling lines in the saxophones with diffuse textures in the keyboards and drums. There are moments for each member of the quartet to move in and out of view, the overall performance intentionally and thoughtfully restrained.
The Falling Leaves, Repeating Themselves features an interlocking, ouroborosian saxophone duet, giving way to the dusky harmonies of Twilight, where they flutter and respire gently and feebly, speaking simultaneously of the fire contained in the room and the fuzzy violet sky. The composition maintains a sense of agility despite the slowed tempo, suggestive of the way the eye works in the dark. Cavernous chord clusters here bring Debussy’s La Cathédrale Engloutie (The Sunken Cathedral), emerging from the water, to mind. More classic virtuosity and extremes of tempo and texture are found in Turned in the Fire and Planets, where an unambiguous trust amongst the ensemble shines through. Peacocks begins with an introspective march and fans out to a noisy peak before a drum solo ebbs away, closing out the album.
It’s the centrally-placed Hymn, whose harmonies draw from a sacred harp melody, which immediately intrigues in its contrast against the rest of the project. Gray and Mason’s mellow, almost pure duet rises like an offering – a nod to both the source material and chapel in Massachusetts where the project was recorded. Notably, the sans saxophone instrumentation and track title – whose reference lies outside the Stevens poem and Mitchell painting that frame the rest of the album – create negative space that lets the track function as a fourth wall break of sorts. It imparts a blessing, allowing the mind to pick up freer associations while listening. The departure from the taut intention of the project is delightful, lending other tracks thoughtful force as opposed to prescriptive symbolism.
While listening to this album and going about the tasks of living, I jotted “sometimes it feels as though what is connected is collapsed” in the margins of my notebook. Each subsequent listen of Hemlocks, Peacocks presents the task of distinguishing practice from mere repetition, perhaps forming it more in the shape of connection. As precarity continues to grow and haunt in and beyond the realm of art, making choices – compositionally, politically – remains its own craft to be sharpened.
— Connie Li, 2.27.2025
As Anna Webber points out via email, “I’m not really in microtonality for its own sake.” Rather, the Canadian saxophonist, flautist and composer uses it as a tool, combining it with equal temperament and nimble rhythms to give her music its woozy, almost psychedelic quality.
On Simpletrio 2020, Webber extends her study of just intonation into a pared down setting, with Matt Mitchell on piano and John Hollenbeck on drums. With its staccato motifs and handsome piano colouration, “Slingshot” establishes this trio as brightly melodic and propulsive, yet its subtle metrical twists hint at the trickier forms of “Idiom VI” and “Five Eateries (In New England)” where Webber’s retuned saxophone sits aslant from the rollicking stop-start rhythms. The overtone studies of “8va” blossom into fluid saxophone lines, underlining how lively and attractive Webber’s microtonal music can be.
Webber brings her fireworks to the titular piece of August, a five-part suite composed for new music ensemble Anzû Quartet (violinist Olivia De Prato, clarinetist Ken Thomson, cellist Ashley Bathgate, pianist Karl Larson). The key materials are laid out in the tense and jarring opening section, with a morse code piano motif over jagged violin and cello rhythms. This form is punctuated at irregular points by dramatic chords, the dark piano and dissonant strings strafed with clarinet multiphonics. The structured improvisation and violin and piano preparations of “part iii” create an eerie soundworld of creaks and wisps, before De Prato flashes her teeth with gutsy double stops. Stately piano chords clear the air, before a thrilling reprise of those heavy chords for the finale. Webber’s composition is well paired with Thomson’s “Uneasy,” an evocative piece full of assertive rhythms and reflective turns underscored by increasingly tense harmonies.
Webber joins alto saxophonist Daniel Fisher-Lockhead and keyboardist De Von Russell Gray on composer-drummer Will Mason’s Hemlocks, Peacocks. In this microtonal chamber jazz trip, all rhythms are tilted off their axes by the retuned instruments. The resulting dream logic of harmony and melody appears stable for appearing to melt away as the poison of the title takes effect. Moodier pieces like "Twilight" contrast with the likes of "Turned In The Fire", which could almost be a relatively straightahead contemporary jazz tune but for the otherworldly tunings. Like Webber, Mason uses microtonality to bring new colours to jazz’s tonal palette, opening up a world of possibilities.
— Stewart Smith, 3.05.2025